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Windows Phone Store

Windows Phone Store

One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 980526399


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diary

  • Track your symptoms and treatment progress
  • Graph your patterns, create reports for doctor/advisor
  • Use triggers, like day of month and week, weather patterns, diet, sleep patterns, to predict and manage your CFS
  • Available on Windows Store
  • Cost: 4.99


Available for both IPhone and Android devices.

  • Encourages you to put your phone down and focus on the task at hand
  • Open the app, plant a seed and watch a tree grow over the next 30 minutes
  • If the app is exited early the tree will die.
  • Use to help stay focused and soon you will have your own virtual forest!
  • Download for $1.99

In Flow - Mood and Emotion Diary

  • Helps understand ever-changing moods with daily automatic reminders
  • Better understand self through mood graph
  • Tips on improving mood
  • Helps with maintaining healthy relationships


Available for Apple, Android, and Windows

  • Computer based system that allows students to complete full worked solutions to problems online and receive instant feedback
  • Covers: Common Core for Middle School, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry

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