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Skynet Technologies

Skynet Technologies

3265 Summitrun Drive
Independence, KY 41051


Skynet Technologies is an ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 certified full-service digital agency and development company with 22 years of business excellence. We are an associate member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), & an official member of W3C. With over 9 years' experience in the digital accessibility industry, we provide quick and managed website accessibility solutions including ADA website audit, strategy, design, development, consulting, training, remediation, maintenance VPAT accessibility conformance report, and support services. We deliver our services to State and Federal government departments, education and university websites, non-profits, and any size of business.


Our ADA compliance team helps organizations to meet country specific compliance standards for websites, apps, and digital products like documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, PPTs, ePub, infographics / diagrams as well as data dashboards, maps, charts/graphics, and OCR files. No matter the complexity or volume of your digital assets, we provide an end-to-end digital compliance accessibility solution with or without quick overlay.


The entire goal of inclusive accessibility is a high-quality experience for all users, regardless of the technology they use to access the digital asset.




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