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Mental Health Works

Mental Health Works

180 Dundas Street West
Suite 2301
Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8


Mental Health Works is a social enterprise of the Canadian Mental Health Association. CMHA is one of the oldest continuing nation-wide charitable health organizations in Canada. We are person centered, evidence based, and solutions focused. Our mission is to make mental health work for employers and employees from coast to coast, in both English and French.


CORE Workshop

This workshop provides participants an in depth understanding of mental health and mental illness. It is made up of four modules: Mental Health at Work, Mood and Depression, Stress and Anxiety, and Psychological Health and Safety. Our core workshop presents a balanced, cross-cutting approach that features awareness building, responding skills, and collaborative change.

Participants will have contact with employees who work and live with a mental illness, either live or through video. This workshop is highly interactive, with activities and discussion throughout.

In Focus Workshop

This workshop combines module one of the core workshop (Mental Health at Work) with elements of both module two (Mood & Depression) and module three (Stress & Anxiety). The result is a balanced half-day overview of workplace mental health. The first half introduces participants to the important overarching ideas and concepts, followed by a closer examination of two common mental health problems in the second half.

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