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MTM Business Systems

MTM Business Systems

1622 Edinger Ave.
Suite F
Tustin, CA 92780


MegaStar Systems Electric Lateral File Vertical Carousel

The MegaStar MediaStation Electric Lateral File Vertical Carousel System is a series of vertically arranged rotating shelves controlled by an electronic keypad or software. With its more than 2,700 linear filing inches of letter-sized filing space, the MediaStation can store the equivalent of approximately 27 vertical file cabinets in a fraction of the space andimprove records management productivity up to 56%.

The MediaStation manifests the principles of Universal Design to minimize physical effort such as twisting, bending and tight grasping, providing easy system operation regardless of the user's body size, posture or mobility. Its ergonomic design and operation are fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and OSHA regulations, as well as the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) for forward and side reach, clearance under the work counter, and control accessibility guidelines. For example, the rollout file drawer can be accessed with no more than five pounds of force, and the ADA fixed seating posting board allows easy, natural access to retrieved materials.

The MediaStation is designed to allow 14, 16 and 18 carrier units to be installed under 8', 9' and 10' ceilings respectively to maximize file storage space.

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