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Braille Sense U2 MINI

Braille Sense U2 MINI

Braille Sense U2 MINI may look a lot like its predecessor on the outside, but don’t let that fool you – it’s packed with new features and upgraded hardware on the inside.

Teachers, rehab counselors, AT specialists and other professionals will appreciate the new robust hardware and now-standard capabilities of our proprietary Sense v8.0 including Excel™ Viewer,  YouTube™ and Dropbox™ applications.  Users will enjoy the power and performance of a 1 GHz Mobile CPU, a 32 GB storage capacity and enhanced features such as extended battery run time, improved GPS receiver sensitivity and the addition of a vibration motor.  U2 MINI also offers more stable performance than other notetakers, with an optimized Windows-based operating system with a familiar, Windows-like user interface.

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Selvas BLV

4616 W. Howard Lane,
Suite 960
Austin, TX 78728

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