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Argument for Pre-emptive Disclosure and Request for Accommodation by the Job Candidate

List of Typical Resume Contents

When creating a resume, the content usually covers seven primary areas. The resume topics often include Identifying Information, Job Target, Work Experience, Education, Special Categories, Affiliations/Key Skills and References. Below we have provided a brief definition of each category:

  1. Identifying information — List your name, address, phone number, email address.
  2. Job Target — Describe your ideal job.
  3. Work Experience — Describe your past work experience by documenting your history. This should include the company's name, the location, your job title and your start/end dates for each position held.
  4. Education — Dates, degrees, institution, and any identifying information.
  5. Special categories — Include awards, appointments received (if relevant to the job).
  6. Affiliations/key skills — Memberships, publications, language, interests, and hobbies.
  7. References — This usually includes names of three individuals who can provide a positive account of your work experience or skill level.

Resume Samples

Numerous Web sites have resume information and samples. It is often helpful to view other resumes to get an idea of what styles you may like, or what fits your situation. The sample gives you tips on clever wording. Often, a sample similar to yours will give you ideas and start you on your way. If you are interested in viewing additional resume information, visit the following Websites for resume building ideas, tips and samples:

