Job Accommodation Network


Have questions about workplace accommodations and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

Ask JAN!  We can help.

(800) 526-7234 or (877) 781-9403 (TTY)

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2024-07-22T14:00:18+0000 Facebook post

Have questions about workplace #accommodations? Ask JAN! We can help. JAN is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on accommodations and disability employment issues. #AskJAN

2024-07-19T14:00:13+0000 Facebook post

Employers managing #accommodation requests during the return to office should not rely on pre-pandemic circumstances when making accommodation decisions. Focus only on the current situation, as disability related circumstances may have evolved over time.


ADALive! – Produced by the Southeast ADA Center, a member of the ADA National Network and a project of the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University

2024-07-18T14:00:12+0000 Facebook post

ADA Live! is a free monthly national podcast produced by the Southeast ADA Center, a member of the ADA National Network , that shares successful strategies to increase the participation of persons with disabilities in communities and businesses. #ADA34

2024-07-17T14:00:26+0000 Facebook post

The #accommodation process should progress expeditiously and needed accommodations should be implemented swiftly and efficiently. When this does not happen, a letter of inquiry may prompt the employer to engage in the process in a timelier manner.

2024-07-16T14:00:09+0000 Facebook post

Happy Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appreciation Day! Today we celebrate the history and accomplishments of AI technology, raising awareness about its transformative impact on our lives and future potential. #AIAppreciationDay #FutureTech #Innovation

2024-07-15T18:00:15+0000 Facebook post

Have questions about workplace #accommodations? Ask JAN! We can help. JAN is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on accommodations and disability employment issues. #AskJAN


ADA Training | ADA National Network

2024-07-15T14:00:26+0000 Facebook post

The ADA National Network offers basic to advanced training on all Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) topics. Training includes the National ADA Symposium, podcasts, webcasts, and web courses. Visit their Training page for more information. #ADA34

2024-07-12T14:00:22+0000 Facebook post

Tip #3 for managing #accommodations during the great return to office: Do not assume medical documentation is inauthentic. Work with the employee to authenticate it by asking for permission to contact the healthcare provider directly for verification.


Timeline of the Americans with Disabilities Act | ADA National Network

2024-07-11T14:00:15+0000 Facebook post

Are you curious about the evolution of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? The ADA National Network offers an informative timeline that spans more than thirty-four years. Happy Anniversary ADA! #ADA34

2024-07-10T18:00:22+0000 Facebook post

Set reasonable timelines if choosing to return employees to the workplace. All employees, but especially employees with disabilities who have been teleworking, may need time to make adjustments in their personal lives in order to return to the office.


A to Z of Disabilities, Accommodations, and Related Topics

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(800) 526-7234 or (877) 781-9403 (TTY)