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Thumb Thing Book Holder

Thumb Thing Book Holder

THUMB THING, a reading ring! Best book accessory. Simply slip your thumb through the Thumb thing, a lightweight doodad with two "wings" on either side, pick up a book and the object where your thumb would normally hold it open. It eases thumb strain considerably. Great for reading while standing, sitting or lying down.. Holds the pages and illustrations open for all to see during reading aloud. Teacher's love this item! The (thumb hole) size: small (1/2"), medium (5/8"), large (6/8"), x-large (7/8"). Small Thumb thing should fit fingers with ring sizes of 3-6.5, Medium Thumb thing - ring sizes 7-8.5, Large Thumb thing - ring sizes 9-11.5 and X-Large - ring sizes 12 & up.

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