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Iowa Protection and Advocacy

Organization Details

Organization: Iowa Protection and Advocacy


Disability Rights IOWA is part of a national network of protection and advocacy systems established in the 1970s by the U.S. Congress to respond to repeated abuse and neglect of individuals with disabilities in large institutions. We are an independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation funded through contributions, corporate and foundation funding, and grants from the Federal Government. We are not affiliated with any governmental entity or service provider, but we use federal funding to serve people with developmental disabilities, mental illnesses, and other disabilities. Because of our efforts and those of other protection and advocacy systems, people with disabilities are now served in a variety of community settings – schools, group homes, employment sites – as well as institutions. Disability Rights IOWA advocates for the rights of Iowa citizens with disabilities wherever they may live.



Toll-Free: (800) 779-2502

Direct: (515) 278-2502



Disability Rights Iowa
400 East Court Street Suite 300
Des Moines , IA  50309
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